Soil Description Masterclass
Professor David Norbury and some of the Geolabs attendees of…

Geolabs Limited continuing to expand it's testing resources and capabilities
Geolabs Limited have recently implemented the next phase of their…

Interesting discovery: a fossilised crinoid stem section
Interesting discovery in the lab this week, a fossilised crinoid…

Electronic test scheduling using AGS 4
Geolabs Limited is now accepting test schedules from clients…

Introduction of new BS EN ISO Standards for soils tests
The introduction of the new European BS EN ISO 17892 series has…

Advanced Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Seminar.
Presented by Geolabs’ John Powell and Chris Wallace, organised…

Pyrite Ammonites
While preparing a specimen for an Effective Stress Triaxial test…

Dendritic crystal growth
During daily testing on rocks, GEOLABS has found a beautiful…