Click on test name to see the relevant test page for full details and specifications. All prices exclude VAT
- 10% Fines (Ten Percent Fines Value)
- Atterberg limits
- Aggregate Crushing Value
- Angularity and Shape
- Bender Element
- Brazilian Disc test (Tensile Strength)
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
- Cerchar Abrasivity
- Chalk Crushing Value
- Compactibility of Aggregates
- Compaction test
- Compressive strength (unconfined)
- Consolidated drained shear strength using shearbox
- Consolidated drained triaxial compression
- Consolidated undrained triaxial compression
- Consolidation – hydraulic cell
- Consolidation – Oedometer
- Continuous Rate of Strain
- Crumb method erodibility
- Density on rocks
- Density on soils
- Direct shear strength using shearbox
- Direct Shear Strength (Rock)
- Dispersion method erodibility
- Drained effective stress
- Dry density
- Dry density / Moisture content relationship
- Dry sieve analysis
- Effective stress
- Erodibility – crumb method
- Erodibility – dispersion method
- Erodibility – pinhole method
- Gas jar density
- Head,K.H. method permeability
- Hand Vane
- Heavy compaction
- Hydraulic cell – consolidation
- Hydraulic cell – permeability
- Hydrometer analysis
- Immediate shear strength using shearbox
- In-Situ tests – sorry, we do not offer in-situ testing
- Isotropic consolidation in a triaxial cell
- Laboratory Vane
- Light compaction
- Linear shrinkage
- Liquid limit
- Maximum density
- MC
- Mechanical analysis
- Mineralogy and Petrography
- Minimum density
- Moisture condition value
- Moisture content
- Multistage triaxial shear strength – effective stress
- Multistage triaxial shear strength – undrained
- Natural moisture content
- Oedometer
- Particle density on rocks
- Particle density on soils
- Particle size distribution
- Peak or peak & residual shear strength using shearbox
- Penetrometer (pocket)
- Permeability – constant head
- Permeability – K.H.Head method
- Permeability in a hydraulic cell
- Permeability in a triaxial cell
- Permeameter permeability
- PI
- Piezo Bender Element
- Pinhole method erodibility
- Pipette analysis
- Plastic limit
- Plasticity index
- Point Load Test (PLT) on rocks
- Point Load Test (PLT) on soils
- Pocket penetrometer
- Porosity and Density on rocks
- Proctor compaction
- Pyknometer
- Quick undrained triaxial shear strength
- Residual shear strength by ring shear
- Ring shear – residual shear strength
- Sieve analysis
- SG
- Shear strength – shearbox
- Shrinkage
- Slake durability on soils
- Slake durability on rocks
- Sound Wave Velocity on rocks
- Specific gravity
- Stabilized soils – please contact us
- Swelling – Oedometer
- Swelling pressure
- Tensile Strength (Brazilian Disc)
- Thermal Conductivity/Resistivity
- Thermal Conductivity/Resistivity on rocks
- Triaxial cell – consolidation
- Triaxial cell – isotropic consolidation
- Triaxial cell – permeability
- Triaxial Compressive Strength on rocks
- Triaxial permeability
- UCS on soils
- UCS on rocks
- Unconfined compressive strength
- Undrained effective stress
- Undrained shear strength in triaxial compression
- Vane shear strength (hand & laboratory)
- Volumetric Shrinkage
- Wet sieve analysis
Main Laboratory & Head Office
Bucknalls Lane - Garston
Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 9XX
What3Words: ///wink.loyal.person
SatNav Users: WD25 9NH
Tel: +44 (0)1923 892 190
Midlands Laboratory
Geolabs Limited
Albany House, Station Road
Coleshill, Warwickshire, B46 1HT
What3Words: ///broads.blackbird.nurse
Tel: +44 (0)121 296 4600