At Geolabs Limited, we utilize Cyclic Triaxial testing equipment to simulate cyclic loading on soil samples and measure the response of the soil under these conditions. Our advanced Dynamic Triaxial equipment can provide cyclic loading tests on 70mm and 100mm specimens, with the capability for both strain and stress control. Our equipment is also equipped with additional instrumentation, including:
- Mid-plane pore pressure transducer
- Piezo bender elements for the measurement of shear-wave velocity
- Local axial and radial strain LVDTs
- Frequency range up to 5 Hz
- Independent computer control of vertical and horizontal total and effective stresses for maintained and ramped stress applications during anisotropic stages
- Measurement of volumetric strain with a precision of 1mm³
With a load capacity of 10 kN, our Dynamic Triaxial equipment is capable of testing soil samples of both 70mm and 100mm in diameter, providing our clients with detailed information about the behaviour of their soil samples under cyclic loading conditions.
At Geolabs Advanced Testing Laboratory, we have 9 Advanced Stress Path Cells, all of which are equipped with a full suite of instrumentation for both 70mm and 100mm diameter specimens. All of our Advanced triaxial testing stress path stations have their own dedicated, computer-controlled compression frames. Each cell is capable of being equipped with:
- Three pairs of bender elements to determine shear wave velocities in three orientations,
- A mid-plane pore pressure transducer,
- Local axial and radial strain measurements.
We offer the following advanced capability and would be happy to discuss the relevant information and prices for them:
- Total and Effective Stress Path testing with base and mid-plane pore water pressure measurement.
- Mid-height pore pressure probes.
- Piezo bender elements for the measurement of shear-wave velocities in 3 orientations (Svh, Shv, and Shh) for deriving Gmax (Gvh, Ghv, and Ghh).
- Local axial and radial strain LVDTs to assess stiffness variation at small strains.
- Determination of Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, shear and bulk modulus.
- Constant Rate of Strain Consolidation with back-pressure assisted saturation, pore pressure measurement, and closed-loop controlled vertical displacement.
- Static and dynamic shearing in either extension/compression or along pre-determined stress paths.
- K0 condition, in which the radial strain is controlled to be constant during anisotropic consolidation or shearing, via a local radial strain gauge.
- Measurement of volumetric strain with a precision of 1mm³
- Independent computer control of vertical and horizontal total and effective stresses for maintained and ramped stress applications during anisotropic stages.
At Geolabs Limited Advanced Laboratory, we use advanced technology to provide reliable and accurate testing results. Our Cyclic Direct Simple Shear (CDSS) apparatus is designed to make both static and dynamic (cyclic) loadings.
We have three sets of these advanced machines at our laboratory, including two with a capacity of 10 kN and one with a capacity of 5 kN. The apparatus utilizes dedicated high-speed closed-loop computer control, allowing for both static and dynamic (cyclic) loadings to be made with precision and accuracy, including active constant volume.
To ensure the highest level of quality and consistency in our testing, we use low-friction PTFE-coated rings to confine the 66mm diameter specimens. This ensures that our results are reliable and representative of the material being tested.
With our strict adherence to industry-leading standards, we are confident in our ability to provide accurate and comprehensive testing results.
At Geolabs Limited, we use advanced testing methods to provide our clients with comprehensive and accurate results. One such method is Resonant Column testing, which is used to measure the dynamic properties of soil samples.
Our state-of-the-art Hardin Type Resonant Column apparatus (H-RCA) allows for the determination of elastic moduli over a wide range of strains, as well as the measurement of the soil’s damping properties.

Resonant Column
Features of our H-RCA include:
- 70 mm specimen diameter
- Measurement of volumetric strain to an accuracy of 1mm³
The main outputs of the resonant column test include:
- Shear modulus
- Damping ratio
- Amplitude dependent properties: the soil sample’s properties may change depending on the amplitude of the excitation
- Excitation frequency at every strain
2 Closed-loop controlled Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) oedometers measure permeability and allow consolidation parameters and permeability to be calculated seamlessly over the whole stress range tested.
- 38mm, 50mm, and 66mm diameter samples
- Maximum load capacity of 50 kN
- Pre-consolidation pressure based on continuous curve
- Continuous e v log(p’)
- Continuous cv
- Continuous mv
- Continuous k (calculated)
Fully Instrumented Advanced Triaxial
Local axial and radial strain gauges, mid-height pore pressure transducer & piezo-bender elements
Cyclic Triaxial
Local axial and radial strain gauges & mid-height pore pressure transducer
Cyclic and Monotonic Direct Simple Shear
Resonant Column
Small-strain shear modulus and damping ratio
CRS Oedometer
Constant rate of strain oedometer
Main Laboratory & Head Office
Bucknalls Lane - Garston
Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 9XX
What3Words: ///wink.loyal.person
SatNav Users: WD25 9NH
Tel: +44 (0)1923 892 190
Midlands Laboratory
Geolabs Limited
Albany House, Station Road
Coleshill, Warwickshire, B46 1HT
What3Words: ///broads.blackbird.nurse
Tel: +44 (0)121 296 4600